Oh convenience… we ❤️ you. Packages delivered same day with a press of a button. Your favorite hot food or groceries delivered from an app. What is next??

We live in a world of I can get it now and no need to leave the house. It’s kind of nice, isn’t it?

What about opting for a mobile detailing service?

When opting for a mobile car detailing & ceramic coating service, there may be concerns about the quality of the service provided. Mobile detailers may not have access to specialized tools and equipment available at detailing shops, which could potentially impact the thoroughness and precision of the detailing work. Limited access to water and electricity may also affect the quality of the detailing services rendered.

On the flip side there are benefits too. Hand your keys over to a detailer and you can work, nap, online shop, order food, etc while your vehicle gets cleaned. Either way, the choice is yours!

Shamerrific Shine Car Detailing in Kansas City and Overland Park KS is here to help! We have so many options to get you car detailed in Kansas City.

❤️Drop off before hours utilizing our after hours drop option. ❤️Wait or work in our private waiting room with Wifi ❤️Let us get you a Lyft or Uber to your destination.

Still want a mobile detailing service in Kansas City or Overland Park, KS area? Call us at 913-257-7200 and let’s see what we can work out!